Maandelijkse archieven: oktober 2017
Author: L.E.J. van den Bergh Author information: Van den Bergh has a master’s degree in International and European Union Law from the Erasmus School of Law. She is currently working on her second master’s degree in Commercial and Company Law in Rotterdam. Title article: “Industrial pollution and human rights: A case study of the Isla refinery on Curaçao” Journal: Caribisch Juristenblad Abstract The pollution by the Isla refinery on Curaçao has been a problem for many years. Curaçaoans living downwind … Lees meer
SMOC a indiká diferente biaha kaba ku e konsentrashon di dióksido di suafel (SO2) pabou di e tereno di Isla ta pertenesé na tòp di mundu; esta den sentido negativo. Ta konosí ku hopi habitante ta lucha ku nan salubridat. World Health Organisation (WHO) ta remarká tokante esaki: ,,SO2 can affect the respiratory system and the functions of the lungs, and causes irritation of the eyes. Inflammation of the respiratory tract causes coughing, mucus secretion, aggravation of asthma and chronic bronchitis … Lees meer
SMOC heeft meerdere malen aangegeven dat de concentratie zwaveldioxide (SO2) benedenwinds het Isla-terrein bij de wereldtop hoort; in negatieve zin welteverstaan. Het is dan ook bekend dat veel mensen met gezondheidsklachten kampen. De WHO zegt hierover: ,,SO2 can affect the respiratory system and the functions of the lungs, and causes irritation of the eyes. Inflammation of the respiratory tract causes coughing, mucus secretion, aggravation of asthma and chronic bronchitis and makes people more prone to infections of the respiratory tract. … Lees meer
Pollution is the largest environmental cause of disease and premature death in the world today. Diseases caused by pollution were responsible for an estimated 9 million premature deaths in 2015—16% of all deaths worldwide—three times more deaths than from AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined and 15 times more than from all wars and other forms of violence. In the most severely affected countries, pollution-related disease is responsible for more than one death in four. Read more here.
E emishon di CO2 kousá pa kimamentu di kombustibel fósil ta bai kompaña di entre otro subida di nivel di laman i asidashon di oséano. Pa motibu di esaki isla chikí, asina yamá “small island development states (SIDS)”, lo wòrdu inunandá i ref di koral lo muri a la largu, miéntras ku hopi hende ta dependé di e refnan akí pa kuminda (piská) i entrada. No ta pa nada ku resientemente International Energy Agency (IEA) a publiká “Key World Energy … Lees meer
De uitstoot van CO2 door de verbranding van fossiele brandstoffen gaat gepaard met onder andere zeespiegelstijging en oceaanverzuring. Hierdoor lopen kleine eilanden, zogeheten ‘small island development states (SIDS)’, op den duur onder water en leggen koraalriffen het loodje. Dat terwijl wereldwijd veel mensen afhankelijk zijn van koraalriffen met het oog op voedsel (vis), alsook inkomen. Het is dan ook niet voor niets dat de International Energy Agency (IEA) recentelijk de “Key World Energy Statistics” heeft gepubliceerd. Uit dit rapport blijkt dat Qatar … Lees meer
Due to the burning of fossil fuels, CO2 is released to the atmosphere. This is accompanied with ocean acidification and an increasing sea level. In the end, small island development states (SIDS) and coral reefs will pay the highest price for these developments. Furthermore, many people depend on coral reefs for food and income. Therefore, the International Energy Agency (IEA) published “Key World Energy Statistics”. This influential report outlines key numbers of countries regarding CO2 emissions. In this respect, Qatar leads … Lees meer